Title:  The Ancient Egyptian Sleepover

Author: Stephen Davies

Date: 2022

Tags: Chapter book, Novel, Ancient Egypt, 21st century worlds, Muslim lead, Racially/Ethnically diverse, English

Muhammed (AKA Mo) is one of 99 lucky kids who get to spend the night in the Egyptian Gallery at the British Museum and get a special sneak peek at the brand-new visiting exhibition of the artifacts from Tutankhamen’s tomb. Once everyone is shut in for the night (and their phones are confiscated) it becomes clear that they aren’t alone. It’s up to Mo and his new friends to save Tutankhamen’s treasures from a new generation of tomb robbers!

This book was written to match up to the United Kingdom’s primary school curriculum key stages 2 lessons. However, non-British readers can enjoy it, too, once we get over being envious of the London kids who get to visit the British Museum in person. It’s fun, funny, and impressively educational, both in its descriptions of ancient Egyptian history and modern museum practices. This Classics professor has definitely chased kids off of the sphinx sculptures at museums, so I have a real sympathy for the beleaguered guards trying to keep 99 primary school kids from damaging the archaeology. I’d recommend this book to all readers, although Americans might want to look up the rules of cricket, first.  – Krishni Burns