Title: Phone Home, Persephone! (Myth-o-Mania Series)

Author: Kate McMullan

Date: 2011

Tags: Chapter book, Novel, Mythology, Hades and Persephone, Ancient worlds, English

This is the second book in Kate McMullan’s Myth-o-Mania series, which retells Greek myths from Hades’ point of view. This book is the story of how he meets his bride, Persephone. Persephone has run away from home to get away from her overprotective mother. Hades offers to give her a ride, only to discover that she’s Demeter’s daughter, and her mom is frantic to know where she is! Hades is determined to get Persephone home safely, but she’s having the time of her life and isn’t going anywhere. Can Hades get the wayward goddess back home without getting arrested for kidnapping? Can Persephone get Hades to like her as much as she likes him? Will Demeter ever accept that her daughter is grown up? Of course, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride! 

This book is even funnier than Have a Hot Time, Hades, the first book in the series. It’s one hilarious misunderstanding after another as Persephone tries to get Hades to notice her, then the couple try to get married without their relatives butting in. All’s well that ends well, naturally, and the book has a great message about the importance of being honest about your feelings. The Greek myth of Hades and Persephone is also about poor communication, and that quality is nicely preserved here in a positive way. As with all books in this series, there is a traditional version of the myth with a list of discussion questions and vocabulary terms at the end. – Krishni Burns