Title:  King of Ithaka

Author: Tracy Barrett

Year: 2014

Tags: Young adult, Novel, Mythology, Odyssey, Ancient worlds, English

Tracy Barrett is a classicist and humanities scholar who has made quite a name for herself as an author of books for children and young adults. King of Ithaka is one of her best books thus far. It focuses on the experiences of the family that Odysseus left behind in Ithaca, particularly young Telemachos, who matures and comes into his own. Warning: if you are looking for a positive representation of Odysseus and friends, this is not the book you want; the story is presented in a gritty, dystopian fashion, which may shift the reader's perspective of some familiar characters. If your reader is ready to confront some of the darker realities of the text, however, Barrett is an excellent introduction to a more critical reading of the Odyssey. - Nava Cohen